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Corporate Culture & Performance
Corporate culture can have a vital impact on a company's long-term financial performance.
This program delivers a system and tools that will help you evaluate your organization’s culture in its current form, then set it on a highperformance course. Combines Kotter’s presentation with in-depth interviews with senior executives who have achieved out-standing performance by creating and nou... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
There isn't enough leadership today - but there are enough people with leadership potential.
Leadership, Professor John Kotter's essential guide to creating dramatic and productive change by developing the natural talents of managers and staff throughout the organization. The model company performs decently; the hot competitor performs brilliantly. One is decently managed; the other brillia... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Succeeding In A Changing World
Are you facing change in your industry? Do some of the members of your team resist change? How can your organization deal with the increasing pace of change? In this new video, bestselling business author and Harvard Business School Professor John Kotter will help you understand change - and succeed... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only